What Happens If You Do Not Treat A Yeast Infection

Untreated Yeast Infection Can Lead To Candidiasis

Do you realize that when you ask the question “what happens if you do not treat a yeast infection?” you are asking a question that can be life changing? How on earth is that possible? Well, what happens if you do not treat a yeast infection can influence your whole life.

This is what I found out in my own life. A chronic yeast infection can potentially influence every aspect of your life. So, this makes the treatment of a Candida (yeast) infection vital.

To try and help you, to prevent you for unnecessary illness, is the reason why I am making this site.

So the idea is to help you come to the answer of:”What Happens If You Do Not Treat A Yeast Infection”

What Happens If You Do Not Treat A Yeast Infection – Long Term Ill Health

Untreated Yeast Infection Can Be Dangerous!

Here is a list of the long term problems you can battle with if you leave a yeast infection untreated for long periods:

* Vaginal discharge

* Itching

* Constipation

* Excess “gas”

* Abdominal discomfort

* Headaches

* Fatigue

* Irritable personality

* Memory deterioration

* Lost self-esteem

* Acne

* Asthma

* Cystitis

* Bladder infections

* Persistent cramping in the lower abdomen

* Jock itch

* Athlete’s foot

* Brittle and brown toenails or finger nails

* Rectal tickling or irritations

* Skin rashes

* White coated tongue

* Blurred vision

* Sinusitis

* Allergic reactions

* Chemical intolerance

These are the things that can happen to you if you do not treat a yeast infection. You get what is called “The Yeast Syndrome” This I why the answer to “What Happens If You Do Not Treat A Yeast Infection?” is very important.

So, More Of: “What Happens If You Do Not Treat A Yeast Infection?”

Symptoms Of Chronic Yeast Infection Not Always Understandable.

What you can get from the list above is that a yeast infection can make you pretty ill. So many of the symptoms you can get do not make you think of a fungus infection!

  • Fatigue
  • Irritable personality
  • Memory deterioration
  • Lost self-esteem
  • Acne
  • Asthma
  • Blurred vision
  • Sinusitis
  • Allergic reactions
  • And more
These are not things you would normally associate with a yeast infection. What happens, when you do not treat a yeast infection, the Candida Fungus grows uncontrolled and finally it lands up in almost your whole body. When this happens it is called Systemic Yeast Infection.

A systemic yeast infection can be very dangerous and downright life threatening for those with impaired immune systems… infants, people who have cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS. A systemic yeast infection paves the way for opportunistic infections to take hold.

Now You Have The Answer To What Happens If You Do Not Treat A Yeast Infection

Untreated Yeast Infection Can Become Systemic Yeast Infection

Now that you know that it is not a good idea to leave a fungus infection untreated, it is time to look at how you should treat it.

The best way to treat a yeast infection is a holistic approach. You have to tackle the problems from all sides. So, it is not only important to know What Happens If You Do Not Treat A Yeast Infection, you must also know what the best treatment is.

I can strongly recommend that you get hold of an ebook such as Yeast Infection No More. It is a comprehensive book, written by Linda Allen, a nutritionist and in it you will find the answer to all your questions.

So, the important question is not what happens if you do not treat a yeast infection, but how to treat a yeast infection holistically. That answer you will get in Yeast Infection No More.

You can also read more about Candidiasis on my other site Yeast Infection